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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-05-15 at 2:51 p.m.

Home From Work, Sick as a Dog

Well, I'm home sick after working a half day. I know that I shouldn't be online, I should be sleeping, but I figure I'll catch an hour or two before job #2, which I am still going to. And then I may not be online tonight, so I can go right to bed. I paid my car payment today, and I got my phone charger replaced. So I tried out different combinations of things, to see what worked with what. Basically what it comes down to is my old phone works (kinda) with my car charger, but not with the new charger. The old charger didn't work at all, not even with the new phone, so that was shot. The new phone worked with the new charger and the car charger, so I'm all good to go. All I have to do i wait to get my text messaging capabilities back, charge it up, and transfer everything from the old phone. That's gonna be a pain in the ass. But oh well, it has to be done. With any luck, it will be charged by the end of tonight, as I will be charging it in the car, as well as at work (if necessary). There is definitely a noticable difference between the two phones. Mine has been dropped and banged up and beat up and bruised. The other one, for a refurbished model, looks brand spankin' new.

I talked to my friend Jen for a while today. We haven't gotten to talk as much as I would have liked recently, due to her being busy with the end of school, and long work hours, and stuff like that. She told me that she will be moving soon, and starting a new job. Once she gets settled in, she hopes to come down here to visit with me, maybe for a long weekend. It's looking like late July, or sometime in August. I can't wait to see her! It's been too long since I've seen my friends. I really need to try to get up north sometime soon. To see my family AND my friends. I just don't know when that will be. It seems like every time there is the appearance of me starting to get ahead again, something happens to knock me back down again... wait, this is starting to sound like a rant again. I'm not sure I can allow that...

So far so good. No problems with the satellite modem. Although Yahoo HAS kicked me off a few more times than normal. I don't generally get kicked off, except when I get kicked off the internet. But other than that, there are no indications of any problems. BONUS!

But anyway, I should get going, so I can get some sleep here. I'll either see y'all tonight, or maybe tomorrow. Ciao!

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