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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-05-14 at 11:30 p.m.

Sick is the Only Option

What a day, what a day. I've confirmed that I will be working Saturday morning, doing carpentry stuff. That is, if I get over being sick. Yes, that's right. I said sick. I don't know how, but I feel like crap right now. I'm sure that most of it is sinus related, but it will get progressively worse as I keep being subjected to these temperature changes all the time. I have no control over the fact that other people want the A/C on after being in the heat, and when I turn it off, it gets turned right back on. With one job, it's Scott. With the other, it's three supervisors who spend maybe a total of 45 minutes to an hour in that room, compared to my 3+ hours. And they are coming in and going out, staying only a few minutes. So why do THEY need control over the room temp? I'm the one who's getting sick here. Or is sick, probably. Hopefully it won't be anything more serious than a cold, as I don't have insurance. And I can't afford to miss work, so I guess I'll be working through this. That should be fun...

I got my new phone today. Or should I say, my reconditioned phone. I picked it up at work, and plugged it in to charge. Nothing. So the charger is definitely screwed up. The phone still might be, but the charger is confirmed. And there was no replacement charger in the box. I was told by someone that they had gotten a charger when they got THEIR replacement phone. I didn't think to ask, but I don't know if theirs was a reconditioned or new phone. Hell, I may have just gotten a royal screwing from Sprint PCS.

But the day started off interesting, anyway. I couldn't get much sleep last night, about 2 hours or so. But by the time I fell asleep, I wound up waking up late to get ready for work. So I got ready, and I was 10 minutes late to work. Scott wasn't there yet, so I wound up dozing off in the car until shortly after 8am. By that time, Celeste was in the office, and so I could go in and do something. Scott didn't show up until 9am or so. We got out to the job and within about 15 minutes I was sweating. So I spent the day sweating, and then climbing into an air-conditioned car. Felt good, but it looks like it did a number on me. So at the end of the day, right when we're in the middle of our last job, it starts to thunderstorm. So of course, we can't finish. We head back to the office, and I do a few things to research.

On the way home, I almost wound up off the road. I was just sizzing there and the next thing you knew, I was nodding off. Good thing I didn't wreck the car, that would have really sucked.. When I got home, I only had enough time to shower and leave. I grabbed a piece of pie to eat, and ran out the door. I was already running late, but I didn't want to be TOO late. So I didn't bother to stop for food. I had my piece of pie, and that was that. Got to work and some of the bills were wet, as usual on a rainy day. Even though it wasn't raining all over the place, it was raining SOMEWHERE in our area, so there were wet bills. And that is where A/C story #2 comes in.

Which all leads me to this place. I am sick. I feel like crap. So I think it's time for me to head to bed. Have a good night all!

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