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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-01-04 at 2:00 a.m.

Brooding Before Bed

Well, it's 2am, and I have to get up for work at 6am. No, I haven't finished my layout yet. Yes I know I need sleep. I'm starting to develop a little road rage on occasion, and that is a definite sign of tiredness for me, because I'm one of the most polite drivers you'll ever want to meet.

Mom keeps bugging me about staying up late, what I'm eating, how much I'm eating, etc, etc, etc. I need to get money, and get my own place.

Speaking of money, the reason I'm working on a Saturday is twofold. First, I could use the money. Second, Amanda is still in town, but has one of her "boyfriends" in from Holland. That's right, I said Holland, the Netherlands... home of the Dutch. She hasn't called me in almost three days (he's only been here one day). Found out (well, not confirmed, but implied... she said she'd tell me later) that the reason she didn't call me New Year's Day to hang out, was that she was getting sex. So sex comes before me. And she's obviously not interested in sex WITH me, or she would have called me for sex, knowing that I was waiting to hear from her to hang out. I shouldn't let it get to me, but I don't exactly have any friends down here. And now that she's in the area for a limited amount of time (she goes back to Jacksonville on Sunday), I don't get to see her anyway. I guess she and I need to have a talk. I need some answers, instead of all this doubt and questioning. Whatever. We need to decide what exactly our standing is. Because if I get free time, I start to brood about things, and one of my top things to brood about, are the things that I'm not sure about. Take for example tonight, I was playing Scrabble with Lissy. And she just vanished. I don't know what happened. But now I'm gonna be worried until I hear from her, because I'm in the dark. I hope that everything is alright, and that she just got booted or something, or that her messages saying bye to me got lost in the shuffle. But I guess I'll find out in the morning, if not before.

Well, I suppose I'd better get to bed. I'm not gonna be getting any sleep again tonight. I'll probably wait up to see if Amanda is perchance gonna call (doubtful, but you never know with her). Later all!

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