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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-01-08 at 4:31 p.m.

Sam and Earl Pitts

Well, I got out of my first job early today, so I've got a chance to make an entry now. I also wrote down a few things that I wanted to talk about, so that I wouldn't forget them.

First off, my mom's friend Sam is staying with us right now. I know I mentioned that yesterday. But let me tell you a little about Sam. We met him when he lived in the same apartment complex as Mom, in Syracuse NY. I think that it was through a mutual friend, that they actually first met. Sam is... well, I guess he's rich. Or at least very well off. He is a laundry consultant, and he travels around the country with his job. His company Technical Consulting does very well. Sam loves his "toys", and the finer things in life. He got rid of his porche last year, to get a new BMW. And his boat is up on a lake in New York (I can't remember which one). He just offered to buy me anything I need, as long as it's something that he could use as a tax write-off. Maybe I should ask him for a computer. :P He'll be staying here for a while, as he is doing business down here. And I think he'll be chauffeuring Mom for a while, freeing up a little of my time. Cool. :D

I listen to Earl Pitts every weekday morning now. I used to listen to him up north, but I just recently found out that he is down here as well. Basically it is a little skit about this "real American" and complaints he has about just about anything. Today he was talking about cartoons. In particular, he was talking about Sponge Bob Squarepants. Now I have never seen it myself, but I know a lot of people who like it. Earl said that he loves the show, and watches it religiously. And he was talking to a friend of his, who said that Sponge Bob is the #1 show among gay males. And they talked about one of the characters and his bubble baths (don't ask, cuz I don't know). And Earl said "Oh crap, I'm gay! I'm never watching THAT again." And his signoff line is "Wake up, America!" If you have it in your area, listen to it (if you're awake at 6:40am, when it usually comes on).

Well, I love my webcam. I should just tell Mom about it, so I can get it out and leave it hooked up whenever I want. It would make things SOOOO much easier. Of course, a few of my friends are STILL having problems viewing it, so I'm hoping that we can figure out the bugs, and get everyone checking out my ugly mug. :P

Well, however much I don't like the early wake-up time, I suppose that my surveying job has been doing me some good. I've actually got a little bit of color now. No, it's not an all-over tan, it's mainly around my neck and face. The rest of me is still its usual shade of ghost white. :) But I think I may also be losing a little bit of my gut. Of course, that's probably a combination of the work, and not eating as much. Which I know I should still eat, but as I keep telling Mom, I eat when I'm hungry, not when a clock tells me that I SHOULD be eating.

But I have to go get a shower now, and get ready for job #2 at UPS. So I will be online later tonight, and I will hopefully see some of you to chat, at that time. Hugs all around, and see you on the flip side!

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