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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-04-28 at 11:31 p.m.

Stupid Satellites

I was SUPPOSED to add an entry last night, but the damn computer locked up on me. We finally got the satellite modem registered, but now it's on the fritz. I already talked to them twice last night, and I'm getting sick of it. This had better not turn into a waste of money, because we don't have money to spare. I will have to get on the phone with them sometime, but not tonight. I will stick with the dialup for right now, until I can get the damn thing to work. But this is just getting ridiculous. Of course, it's our only option, other than dialup. And mom doesn't want dialup, because we have so many problems with it... so we got a satellite that we can have a lot of problems with now. Woohoo!

Work is work is work... got out of job #1 long enough to go home, shower, change, leave, stop at BK for a bite to eat, and get to job #2. Got out of job #2 late because we had (I had) over 1000 bills to scan. A normal night is usually between 800 and 850. I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment. Speaking of glutton for punishment, it was probably in the 90s today (I didn't actually see the temp). I came pretty close to heat stroke, I think. I was dizzy, blurred vision, felt like my legs wouldn't support me. If I can't handle a spring day like this, how am I supposed to the heat of the summer? This is not good... not good at all. I might have to start looking for another job. I do NOT relish that fact. I don't know how many office-type jobs will pay me a good wage. And I want a job where I'm able to use my typing skills. They are not going to keep, if I don't keep them in practice. That is why I'm now typing with my eyes closed, leaning away from the computer, to see how many mistakes I make typing this sentence. Hmmmm... not bad, no errors. Maybe I should try that more often, to keep my skills up there. At one point a few years ago, I was typing around 130 WPM, and now I'm lucky to be breaking 75.

I finally caught up to the current episode of "24", and now I can't WAIT for the next one. There are only 4 left, and things are REALLY starting to heat up. Too much is going on to talk about now, but if you don't watch it, get the Season 2 DVD set when it comes out. TRUST me, it's worth it.

But anyway, I think it is time to say adieu, for the night. And ciao, au revoir, adios, and C-YA! :P

Night all!

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