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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-10-10 at 7:58 a.m.

Multi-Day Update

Okay, I'm back. Where did I go? Out there... somewhere. I haven't even been online, not to check my email or anything... I'm going to be updating for a few days worth of information (not like there is really anything to tell). Monday I talked about how I didn't work. Well, Tuesday I was at the office waiting for Steve. I did some work answering phones, checking our jobs for the day, etc. Finally around 9:30am or so, I got a call from Steve. He had just woken up and was on his way in. At that point, I had been ready to go over to his place and grab the equipment to work by myself. But when he called, it wasn't from his place. So I don't really know where he was. I waited... and I waited. Finally they told me to go home around 11am or so. They (or he) would call me if they heard from him. I got a few hours on the books, and that's it. What a way to make money. I got less than 25 hours this past week. Next paycheck is really going to suck.

At least I got a full day in Wednesday. Of course, when we got back to the office, we were informed by Richard that his instrument had been stolen from the back of his truck, and he was confiscating ours. So that meant that we might not be working... until we could get more equipment. Well, I wound up working with Richard yesterday, as part of a three-man crew. But there weren't any jobs big enough today to warrant a three-man crew. So I am sitting in the office, waiting to see if I will be working today. And I heard that we may not be able to work this weekend. Not that I really care, I've got other things I can do. Like leave town. But it's the principle of the thing.

Speaking of things that are really going to suck, I got a bill from the hospital. I sent them in a check for $20 (all that I could afford), and apparently they are telling me that unless I pay a minimum of $75 per month, it will be turned over to collections. Great, just one MORE thing to stress me out. And I have Mom telling me to send them no more than $10 per month. Well, I don't really think collections will go for that. Oh well.

Yesterday morning, I was driving out to a jobsite and listening to the radio. Well, I was on I-75 and an announcement came onto the radio about a WHEELBARROW in the middle of the road, on I-75. Fortunately it was southbound, and I was going northbound (and not QUITE that far north). Although I must admit, I would have liked to see that sight.

So who knows what's going to happen today. I guess I'll just find out later. But I'm out of here. Time to do some work. Later all.

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