A Ridiculous Side Profile Leave Me a Nastigram My Adoring Public I'd Like to Phone a Friend, Regis Portrait of a Treefrog I Ain't No Shakespeare, But... Get Your Own Damn Diary! Snoop in Other People's Diaries An Outstanding Example of Layout Design Sign My Guestbook Already! Read a Note/Leave a Note These Are a Few of My Favorite Things Would You Like to Take a Survey? One Ring to Rule Them All... You Think You Know Me...
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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2002-12-06 at 11:44 p.m.

Third Time Charm

Okay... the final round.

I've been trying to enter this journal entry since 11 this morning, and here it is almost midnight. By the time I finish this, it WILL be after midnight. I couldn't connect with the diaries, and then there was a power surge, and then I couldn't connect when entering my new entry. So if it doesn't work this time, I'm closing down my diary for good.

Well, I talked to Mandie on the phone today (a few times), and I saw her on the webcam. She looks amazing today (even though she doesn't believe it, she does). For those of you who don't know, or don't remember, she was the first person I talked to online, when I got back from more than a year of being offline. She and I hit it off immediately, and became friends, and maybe more. She was even thinking about moving down to the area, so she could be closer. Unfortunately for me, she was also in love with another guy, one who she has known for a lot longer. He asked her to marry him recently, and they were just married last week. It makes me a little sad, but very happy for her... for them. Because she might be pregnant. (Yes, it's Trevor's). She had been told that she would have a hard time having children, so if this happens, it will be a miracle and a blessing for her. Though she was not really sure if she was ready for children yet, she is definitely excited about the possibility. They are currently living in New York, but will most likely be moving sometime next year to Utah, to be near his family. Which, incidentally, means farther away from me... :( We are going to stay friends, and I would like to try to visit them before they leave, if I can get back up to NY. And they have an open invitation to visit here any time they want. Mandie was planning on visiting me anyway, before Trevor proposed... so hopefully now they can both visit.

Lissy visited with her PaPa in the hospital today. He's not doing so well, having gall bladder and kidney stones. I wish there was something I could do, to help, but I pray for him, and for her... I am worried about Lissy, with everything that's going on with her. I just don't know what I can do for her. She's one of my best friends online, if not my best friend... and I feel crippled, that I am powerless to help. :(

Okay, I wanted to let everyone know about something I've been working on for the past few days. My friends are very important to me (if ya haven't figured it out yet), and I love them all very much. I wanted to do something special for them, so I'm writing personal poems for each of them. Nothing fancy, nothing special, just a little something... I'm going to post them all on here, so that everyone can see them. But the catch is, that I'm not going to tell anyone which one is whose... I leave that to them (and you, if you chose) to figure that out. I will tell them after each one has had a chance to guess once.

Well, I'm going to finish this entry now, and see if the computer will fly tonight, or not. Later all!

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