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The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2002-12-07 at 8:33 p.m.

Mike and Lissy

I got a card from Lissy today. Even in troubled times, she still thinks of others. She wanted to thank me for helping her, and to tell me that she is always there for me. How can I even START to be as good a friend to her, as she is to me? She is just amazing... everyone should have a Lissy in their life (just not THIS Lissy... ;) ).

I read her diary today, and Mike still isn't speaking to her. I am NOT happy with him right now. He has this AWESOME person in his life, who loves him with all her heart. And now that heart is breaking, because he can't get beyond himself, to see that she really needs him. Why is that? He hasn't even been on AIM in almost two days. His away message says "Gone." Nothing else, just that. How can I get through to him? How can ANYONE get through to him? I know that he loves her... no one would hate me as much as he does, if he didn't love her so that he feared losing her to me. Which can't happen, because Lissy loves Mike. And I don't want to "steal" a girlfriend. If I even get one (doubtful in the first place), I don't want a person who would break up with someone to go out with me. Because I've had too many girls dump me for another guy. I wouldn't wish that on anyone... and if she would do that to him, she would do that to me in a heartbeat. It's a moot point, because Lissy is not like that. I just wish Mike would open his eyes and see it.

Well, I'm still working on those last few poems, so I'll get going and try to get them up tonight. If not, tomorrow sometime.

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