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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2002-12-08 at 6:40 p.m.

Bah, Humbug

Well, it's day one after my poems went up, and three of my friends have already made their guesses. I told the others to take their time, because I was in no hurry. :)

I've been doing work around the house all day again. I knew there was a reason why I wanted to live in an apartment, and not a house. Oh well, when I start making a little more money, maybe I'll be able to afford to move into my own little apartment, where I won't have to worry about the lawn care, and other fun stuff like that...

For those of you that didn't know (I know I don't have my bio up yet...), I am currently living with my mother. I just moved down here to Florida at the end of October, and cannot afford much of anything right now. I only have a part time job, can't get a car yet (due to two other car loans still in my name, and a little problem with an old debt), and I have no idea what I'm going to do about Christmas. I hate the holidays, but Mom makes me feel guilty about it. I would just as soon not get anything, but everyone in my family makes a big deal of it, so I HAVE to make "the list". I mean, don't get me wrong, I love to GIVE during the holidays. If I could just afford to give gifts, and not have to worry about getting them, I would be a lot happier (maybe). I just don't like the hassle of thinking of what I really want, because the truth is, just giving me cash is not an option for them. And the things that I would like are my own computer, that I build myself, a car, my own apartment, and a good job so I can continue to afford all these things. My family can't afford any of this, but they insist on gifts. So every year, I come up with a list of books, CDs, and movies that I want, as well as a short list of clothes I could use. And that is my Christmas from year to year. Wow.

I've done a little bit of updating of my "other" website, and as you can see, I added a link from here (I'm amazed that I remembered how to do it... hehe). But if you'd like to get a little more personal info, until my bio on this site is up, that's the place to be. (P.S. for those obsessed people among you, YES there is a picture of me, one of the few decent ones that I've found)

Well, dinner is on the stove, so I'll wrap this up, and do some other stuff until it's time to eat. I'll be back around later for anyone who wants to look me up.

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