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The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2002-12-15 at 9:27 p.m.

X-Mas Shopping at the Mall

Well, another day is slowly creeping by. I meant to write yesterday about my wonderful trip to the mall, but I forgot. So here it is, a day late and a dollar short.

We (Mom and I) started off things fairly well. We got there around 2 PM or so, and it was busy. We found a parking space down an aisle, but just before we turned down it, a car came down from the other direction and snagged it from us. Oh well, round two begins. There's a parking spot near the end of a row. There are a few cars in front of us, so we know we're not gonna get to it. But before the cars in front of us have a chance, a Jeep comes barreling the wrong way down a one-way aisle, HIT a car, and backed into the spot. I guess there was no damage, because the other driver got back in his car and drove away. Wow. Round three... we pull to the end of an aisle, and notice that a truck in the last spot is getting ready to pull out. So we put on our signal, and waited. After a minute or so, the driver of the truck turned off her engine. Mom got out, and went to ask her if she was leaving. She said "not until you move your damn car!" (This was a 70 year old lady yelling this.) So of course, Mom rises to the challenge and says back to her "Fine then, you can sit there for a while you old bitch!" Meanwhile, there are kids in the car with the old woman, and I didn't really like what Mom was doing. She wanted me to sit there in front of her car, but there were cars behind us (so we couldn't exactly move back for the woman). So we took off, Mom flipping her off as we drove away. I batted her hand down. Next round, coming up. We tried the other side of the mall, and found an open spot. But again, a car cuts in front of us, heads up the aisle, and takes the spot. Mom was about ready to tell me to head home, when this couple came walking up to us. They said that they were leaving and offered their spot to us. See... 1 out of 5 drivers are NOT assholes! So we parked and went inside. Now, being a Saturday, the mall is PACKED, including kids of all ages. And obviously, with the way some of these CHILDREN dress, they don't exactly have a lot of parental supervision down here. It makes me sick to think that kids can get away with so much nowadays, and I was talking to Mandie a few days ago about her 15 year old friend, who is pregnant. Does anyone ever wonder why? But we did our shopping, and headed home with little difficulty, and that was that.

Amanda took me to the beach last night. I haven't been to the beach down here since I was about 13 years old, and I don't remember it. So we drove 15 minutes to Fort Myers Beach, and then another 20 minutes to get to the beach on Captiva Island. It's not really that far away, but the speed limit maxes out at 35, and the cops are very strict there. But we made it, and just stood there watching the water, and the sky. It was a beautiful night (about 2.30 AM), and very peaceful.

Today was more Christmas shopping, and a quick trip to Walmart with Amanda, to do some house supplies shopping for her dad. She was originally gonna be leaving tonight, but now she's staying at least until tomorrow. So that's cool... she's fun to hang out with. I might hang out with her a little bit tonight, or maybe just tomorrow. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'm talking to her online right now, so I'll head out, and see what she has to say. Writing more tomorrow! :)

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