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The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2002-12-14 at 8:44 p.m.

Weekend with Amanda

Well, Amanda stood me up last night. Cara didn't get there till after the movie started, but they decided to go anyway. Afterwards, they went to breakfast at Perkins. Then they hung out for a little while. Amanda finally called me after 3 AM. I was awake, waiting for her call, while I was in the middle of watching a movie. She asked me to come over then, but seeing how I would be driving my mom's car, and I'm sure she would flip out, I declined. Besides, we were supposed to spend some time today together, so I wanted to get a little bit of sleep. Well, she wound up sleeping until noon, and then was helping her dad continue moving. By that time, I was out Christmas shopping with Mom, and so I couldn't exactly do anything. We've talked back and forth on the phone a few times, and now I'm just waiting for her to call me to hang out. I'm hoping that she doesn't stand me up again, that she was somehow disappointed by me when we met in person the first time. But every time we've talked about getting together this weekend, something's come up. Except for that first time, and all we did was sit around and talk for a while, as she was cleaning the new house. I thought that we were really getting along, but maybe I'm just imagining things. I hope not. I would really like to be able to hang out with her. She is a nice person (to me, anyway) and close by (comparitively). So to lose her friendship would be something that I would not like to see happen. But I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

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