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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-01-12 at 2:29 a.m.

Dinner Problems

Okay, I just realized that I didn't do my entry yet. Today was quite an uneventful day. I did some laundry, I went and got a haircut. And then Mom, Sam, my grandfather, and I went out for dinner. It was originally scheduled for 5:30 pm, but it got pushed back to 6:30 pm. And that's when the trouble started.

Sam has digestive problems. If he doesn't eat at a regular time, he sometimes gets sick. He is used to eating at 5:30 or so, at the latest. So already we're looking bad. Then we decided to go to the Outback Steakhouse. At 6:30 pm, on a Saturday. YEAH RIGHT! We were told that there would be a wait of over an hour. So Mom and Sam started arguing. We decided to leave, and head across the bridge to Applebee's, or maybe Steak and Ale. Along the way, we see Shells (a seafood place :D ), and decide to stop there. By this time, it is 7 pm. We get in and order. Meanwhile, at about 7:30 pm I get a call from a friend. That friend is going through some rough times, and needs to talk. Just then our food comes up. I would have walked off and left the food sitting there. I SHOULD have done it. But I was on the inside of the table, and I didn't want to make a scene. As it was, when we finished eating at 8:30ish, I called and was able to talk for a while anyway.

I'm almost done with my diary layout. I'm gonna test it and see what happens, and then I'll decide what I'm gonna do about it. It seems to be working alright for now, but I have a feeling that I might need to get myself a gold membership to get the pics working right. Ranchoweb just doesn't seem to be doing it right now. And I don't know how long I can use Yahoo, before they start giving me problems. But seeing how it's after 2:30 am, I will get going.

I'll write more tomorrow, I promise.

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