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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-01-22 at 11:37 p.m.

More Earl Pitts Updates

Hmmmm... I keep running out of time, because I'm such a big procrastinator. I suppose that's why I make a good candidate for the SWJs.

Okay, Earl Pitts time. This was his entry from yesterday, that I, like the slacker I am, didn't enter. It was more about the wedding plans, of his daughter. EVERYTHING is in question. The reception, the caterers, the dresses, the tuxedos, the pastor, the flowers, the church... the only thing NOT in question is who's paying for it. That would be ME. Daddy. It's almost enough to make me want to support alternate lifestyles. Now I went tuxedo shopping, and tried on tux after tux. Finally I just said, there's nothing working here. Nothing goes with my ballcap. And my wife said "you're not wearing your ballcap!" Well then, why don't I just go nekkid? Cuz that's how I'll feel. WAKE UP AMERICA!

Also yesterday, I found out that one of the guys I work with at UPS went to Corcoran High School... it is a school up in Syracuse, NY, where I'm originally from. And Nat and I had a "discussion" about the movie A Knight's Tale, and Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales." She seemed to think that the Green Knight and the Black Knight were in there. But I said no. I think she went to look it up, and lo and behold, I was right... :P But enough picking on Nat, cuz I still love her. Such a sweet little elf. :)

And last but not least, yesterday there was a MAJOR set of accidents nearby. Due to fog, there were 17 separate accidents involving 53 cars, within a 2 mile section of US Route 75, just north of Fort Myers. I think the papers said something like 11 or 14 injuries... nothing major, but still... drive carefully in the fog, people.

I have today's Pitts episode, but I'll add it tomorrow. I'm still on my They Might Be Giants kick. I've listened to every CD of theirs that I own, in the car the past few days (Tay loves them too, right Tay? :D). So I'll be adding more lyrics from them, as time goes by. Work was the same as always, and I just keep plugging away. I have to get to bed, but I'll add more tomorrow. I hope. If I don't get distracted. Later all!

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