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The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-02-01 at 1:20 a.m.

Coneys, Bookshelves, and Nerds

Okay, Dad is here, with all of my stuff! So here is the list of what he brought down:

  • my books (over 1000 of them, but not all)
  • my movies (about 750 total)
  • my CDs (about 200)
  • my board games (multiple versions of Trivial Pursuit and Monopoly)
  • my golf clubs (FINALLY!)
  • my TV
  • some clothes (which I probably won't need now)
  • Hoffman's Hot Dogs and Coneys
  • Venison
  • Homemade Raspberry Jam
  • My bookshelves
  • miscellaneous "stuff"

I'm not sure if I forgot anything, but there's the list.

So if you were wondering about the title, I love coneys. What are coneys, you ask? They're like a hot dog. But 10 times better. They've never even HEARD of them down here. You can't find them in any store. So I told Dad to bring some down with him. So he brought a case of 50. And Hoffmans is THE name brand for hot dogs and coneys... forget Oscar Meyer, these are the best!

The bookshelves are important. I have SO much stuff to put on them, and I guarantee by the end of the weekend, half of my walls will be covered with bookshelves filled with books, movies, etc. We're making more shelves, and just have to get the wood tomorrow.

I got a few more DVDs this past week. They had a collection on sale at Best Buy, with Porky's,Revenge of the Nerds and Revenge of the Nerds II, for $15.99, so I had to get it. Classic comedies rule! I also picked up Left Behind II: Tribulation Force. It is a movie starring Kirk Cameron, based on a book series that I read. It is religious fiction, which turns some people off, but it's really well written and it has an "end of the world" theme, that people may like. It's straight interpretation from the Book of Revalations (out of the Bible).

Okay, now updates on couples. Mike is finally there! YAY for Mike and Lissy, I'm so happy for them. I'd like to dedicate a song to them, but I also want to put the lyrics up and it's too late to go hunting for them tonight, so I'll do it tomorrow. So keep an eye out for that.

Couple number two update is for my friends John and Carrie. They've been seeing each other off and on for a long time now (six years, I think) and they have FINALLY decided to tie the knot. It is coming up in April, and I hope to make it back for the wedding. I'll be trying my damnedest to be there, if I can afford it. I'm glad to see that all my friends are happy in their relationships (well, ALMOST all). That means a lot to me, to see them happy. :)

I may be going golfing tomorrow! YAY! I haven't been since October, and I have to see if I'm rusty at it. Can't wait... But I suppose it's time to cut this short, and head to bed. Have a good night all, and more news tomorrow. LATER!

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