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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-02-03 at 11:45 p.m.

Frustrations, Strip Clubs, and Retirement

Job #1 sucked today. The first survey flew by, and we had it done in a little more than an hour. No problem. We get to the second job, 1/2 hour away from the office, to find out that we don't have some of the paperwork we need. It's not vital to completing the job, but it is vital to CHECKING it, to make sure everything is correct. Because if we get back to the office, and it's wrong, we have to go all the way back there and do it all over again. So we did what we could. But the measurements came up wrong, again and again. We checked, and doublechecked. Come to find out, Scott had drawn the house wrong, and THAT's why we were having all the problems. So that was fixed. We got back to the office and I checked the numbers. We were fine. Final survey of the day, we get there and it's an empty lot. No problems, piece of cake, out of there in an hour. But we can't find two of the pins, they marked the wrong lot numbers on the map for us, so we were coming up with the wrong numbers again, and then the control points that we DID have were off, for some reason. So we finished off the day at around 4:30pm, instead of 2pm like we could have done. Oh well.

We were talking about retirement at UPS tonight. A few of the drivers have been there 30+ years, and are eligible. But they have decided not to retire yet. If I had the ability to retire, I would do it. I could work on my web design, and maybe even make a little side money on computers. I would play more cards, visit more friends, and play more golf. Anything but work all my life, which looks like the direction my life is headed right now. But I don't wanna rant tonight, so I'll stop that line of conversation right now.

One of the supervisors said that money is there to spend, so spend it... his idea of spending money is strip clubs, of course. The funny thing about me is, I've never stepped foot in a strip club, and probably never will (unless some girl convinces me to go in with her... a long shot, I admit). I've only been in Hooters once, and that was just to pick up friends and leave. I didn't stay for the food or anything... It just really isn't my style.

There was more I wanted to say tonight, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was, so I'm gonna head out to bed now. Good night all!

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