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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-02-02 at 11:09 p.m.

Golf Sunday

Happy birthday Grama... I miss you.

Today is Groundhogs Day, and I believe that Pauxetawnie (sp?) Phil has seen his shadow again. I only caught the slightest glimpse of the news, so I can't be sure. But that means six more weeks of winter. Oh wait, we don't have winter here in this part of Florida (although my friend Ivy said it snowed up near her). So all I have to say to all my cold weather friends up there in Missouri, New York, and Illinois is... HAVE A NICE WINTER! :D

I went golfing today with my father and my grandfather. I actually started hitting the ball well after the first 4 or 5 holes, and though my score wasn't that great, I'm happy with the way I played, because it's the first time I've been out in a while. I almost didn't get in, because they have a damn dress code. Collared shirts, and no jeans. So of course, I was wearing a shirt without a collar, and denim shorts. But they let me go out, because they thought I was from out of town. Hey, it works for me. And now I know for next time around.

I got all of my movies and most of my books put on shelves today. I also went through most of the boxes, though I haven't decided where I want to put everything yet. I'm sure that it will take me the better part of a week, due to work obligations.

But I found out that my dad will be leaving here in the later part of the week, probably Wednesday or Thursday. So I will get to spend most of the week (minus work) with him, which is definitely a cool thing. We may even get a chance to get out golfing again, depending on my work load. I hope so, because I'm sure I will be doing a lot of solo golfing, once he leaves.

I'm going to make an early night of it tonight, because I want to go watch Groundhogs Day with Bill Murray. Such an appropriate movie, and one of my favorites with him in it. So I guess I will drop this now, and head to bed. But I will leave with a few closing thoughts, quotes, etc.

"I get it now. You two were meant to be together. You and I were meant to be friends." Rose McGowan as Paige Matthews on "Charmed"

"... I end up being this ... this pathetic person who's waiting around to see some ... some glimmer of the way he used to be with me, and it hasn't been that way in so long ..." Jennifer Love Hewitt as Sarah on "Party of Five"

I found out that a friend of mine may actually be in the credits for LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring. Will check with her, and get back to you when I confirm it. That is SO COOL! :D

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