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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-02-27 at 11:59 p.m.

Guestbook Response, and Other Stuff

I am back-dating this to the 27th, because I wanted to do this entry at 11:30ish, and the server was busy.

I would like to respond to Meeks, who signed my guestbook about blocking/ignoring people. I completely agree with you. When it comes to an argument that doesn't go away, sometimes that is the only solution that works. My problem, and the reason I called it childish, was because I was accused of something, and then before I could answer my accuser, they blocked me. But you are right, I'm not going to dwell on it anymore. This is the last you will hear of it from me!

Work has been slow at surveying lately. I'm not getting the hours like I used to. It is both a good and a bad thing. I don't have to rush between jobs now, worrying about whether I will have time to shower and/or eat between. But at the same time, I am not making as much money as I used to. With Mom just starting her new job today, money is kind of tight, so this slow period couldn't have come at a worse time, financially. Also because of that, I have decided not to go to MegaCon this weekend. I just feel that I can't afford it right now.

But on a sadder note, as I'm sure most have you have already heard, either through the news, or through other peoples' diaries, Fred Rogers is dead. I grew up watching Mr. Rogers Neighborhood on PBS, and I can't believe that he is gone. The original "neighbor", he is representative of GOOD children's programming. Too much of today is rooted in violence. He died in Pittsburgh of cancer, at the age of 74, not far from where I lived when I was young.

Rest in Peace, Fred Rogers. You are a different kind of hero to us all, but a hero nonetheless. God bless.

But it's close to my bed time again, so I will shove off now. Talk to you later all! Night.

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