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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-06-01 at 10:49 p.m.

Day of Painting

Wow, today was a long day. I got up around 8:30ish, and laid in bed for a bit. I got up and around, and was over at Catherine's house at 10. Catherine is the woman who works with my mom, who I am doing work for. Today was painting everything that we built. The fence and the gable ends of the barn, in a dark brown and forest green, respectively. I was there until 7pm. I worked 9 hours painting, and let me tell you I was COVERED with paint. But it was fun. Hot as hell, but fun. The back of my legs are now sunburned nice and red. But the $145 I got MORE than makes up for the discomfort. I took a nice long shower when I got home, and got a late dinner. And I think I'm going to get an early night in tonight. Imagine that...

The next two days should be interesting at work. Scott is off, going to the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert in West Palm Beach (what a coincidence). So I will either be working in the office, or running my own crew again. Either way will work for me.

And I think I've figured out what days I'll be taking off when Andy and Kim come down. I am going to ask for Wednesday and Thursday off from each job. That will split weeks on surveying, and give me a short week at UPS. But I've figured it out, and if I am correct, I will still have plenty of money for whatever I need, and whatever we wind up doing. I just have to watch my spending between now and then. I can't go overboard.

I can't believe that it's June already. Where did the time go? I've been in Florida for more than 7 months now, and it seems like only yesterday. Half a year gone by, and half left before 2004! Wow... But anyway, I think I may actually write up a cast list on paper, and then transfer it over here when it is done. Since I am OBVIOUSLY not getting it done any time soon here. And I need to go to bed, so I will cut this short. Good night all!

My Buddy List