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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-06-27 at 11:59 p.m.

Another Day, Another Weekend

So yes, I am post-dating this entry. Again. I have to, because of the damn diaryland servers. I'm not going to cave into the pressure and buy a gold membership just because I want to be able to update any time I want. Of course, I may purchase it for other reasons... :P

Had an interesting day at work today. It's always interesting when you can sit on top of a 10 foot wall, looking for a section corner buried under an acre's worth of shrubbery. We ran out of time today, so will have to go back to it at a later date. After all, it was our fifth site of the day, and it was almost 3pm. So we broke for a late lunch, and went back to the office. Worked in the office until 4, then called it quits.

I shouldn't even bother wasting the space writing about UPS. It's nothing but the same old, same old. I get done early, except for one or two drivers. And so I wait. And I'm there late.

I'm working in the morning. I figure we can get at least a half day in, before Mandie gets here. And we'll be working in the North Cape, so it's right next to my house. It won't be too far to go, to get back home. So we can push it to the limit. And we will.

I don't know anymore. I was seriously thinking of telling Mandie not to come down here. I am probably over-analyzing everything, as usual. But it seems she gave up too easily on staying down here. Just because he booked the room, doesn't mean they need to use it every night. I mean, the drive time is taking at least 7 hours away from spending time together. So either she wanted the alone time with him, or she didn't want the extra time with me. I don't know. Maybe neither. But she is a fighter, and so I know that if she really wanted to, she would fight for it.

But in a side note, Kim told me where to find pictures of my friend's daughter. Click HERE to see them.

Time to go. Work comes early. Even though I may not sleep anyway. Good night all.

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