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The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-07-20 at 11:42 p.m.

Entry For Four

Okay, to see my real entry, go HERE.

This entry is for four people who mean so much to me, who I've hurt beyond... I can't even think of the words. You four have all criticized me at one point or another, for my actions over the past few months. I have been accused by more than one person of being a puppet (on BOTH sides of the argument, not just one). I AM NOBODY'S PUPPET. I have been accused of ignoring everyone, I have been accused of taking everyone else's side. The truth is, I have defended all of you to each other. And everyone comes at me for it. And I'm sick of it. I want nothing more to do with it. If you have issues with each other, take them up with each other. Don't any of you DARE say another word to me about it. I don't want to know what you think of each other. I don't want to hear what bad things you might say about each other. I don't care who gets pissed off at me for it, because everyone is pissed off at me anyways. I've probably been written off more times than I can count, but I know what it's like to be alone. Because the four of you know better than anyone how alone I was. And yes two of you were there for me, and if I knew the other two at the time, they would have been there for me too. I love all of you, but I am not going to be around anymore, if you can't either get along, or agree to disagree and leave it at that. I have to figure out my life, and I want it to include ALL of you. Right now I don't know where I'm going, what I'm doing, what I want when I get there, or anything else. And I was told off quite well by someone tonight about that. But if it has to include none of you, to determine where my life is going, I will be hurt, but I will live. I have always lived. Not much of a life, mind you, without friends... I've been through times in my life with that. So I DO know what it is like. But that is not my choice. I would rather stay friends with all of you. So there it is on the table. I don't know where to go from here.

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