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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-09-15 at 11:30 p.m.

Swamp Land USA

Oooh, Aimee made me a banner! Thank you! I love it!! :)

What a day today... it started off as your typical day. We were working on the crappiest job imaginable, all overgrown and swampy. Most likely there were rattlesnakes and water moccasins as well, though we didn't see any. I was kinda hoping to see some, though not TOO much up close and personal... LOL! But we were about halfway through with it, when we got a call. We were going to be working with the bigwigs from corporate for the next few days. Starting this afternoon. So we decide that the job we are on is done for now, and we head off. We drove around for a while, and then decided to go to CostCo for a while. Scott just recently got into the game Yu-Gi-Oh because of his friend Alan, and Alan's kids. I had noticed Thursday or Friday that they were selling 5 packs for $10, which is about half price. So we headed over to look for them. Wouldn't you know, they had sold out. Not that I'm really surprised, mind you. It is one of the hottest selling games out on the market right now. The merchandising is crazy. But to continue our story, we walked around for a while, and then headed over to where Scott's friend Joe works. He chatted for a while, and I was reading. Or was it napping? I forget... :P

From there we headed to the job site. Or rather, the meet point for the job site. The site was in the middle of the woods (though our property is pretty well cleared out... all 40 acres of it). There is one property line that is going to be a bitch to do, thanks to it being under water. And, of course, the rest of it is swampland. So I have to pack my old boots, a change of clothes, and wear something that can be ruined. Because we barely got started today. A full day of smelly swamp, working with the boss (who is an idiot, by the way), AND I have to wake up in time to pack a lunch. Judging by the clock, that means I probably should not be online too much longer. But let me tell you about what happened at UPS tonight. I got there and found that everyone in my department (and then some) were in a meeting in the terminal manager's office. Apparently there was a complaint about our supervisor being harder on some than on others. And though I have not witnessed it at all, I have heard that he is particularly hard on two of the girls. And he never gets on my case at all. I mean, come on... when I was not coming in, and didn't call until 6:45pm, the first words out of his mouth when he saw me next were a compliment on how good a worker I was. And then he politely asked me to be sure to call before six, if I ever had to call in sick again... some browbeating I took, huh. But other than that, nothing really happened tonight. As usual. So I guess I'll sign off here. Sorry it's taking so long to do more quizzes. Maybe I'll come up with a quick survey instead, to pass the time. But not tonight. Good night all.

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