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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-10-04 at 3:27 p.m.

Lotto, Updates, Boring

Well let's see, where do I start? I called up Sprint PCS and their system was down. It was going to take 4 to 8 hours to get it back up. The eight hours will be up here around 4:30pm or so, and I'll call back them. At which time, they'll tell me that it'll be another day or two (like they did LAST time I went through this with them). Typical crap.

So when Steve got there, we went off to our jobs. First stop was to a gas station to get gas. I got two $2 Monopoly scratch-off tickets. I won $7. We hit our first job, and it was a piece of crap (see last entry for my prediction on it). So we continued on (didn't bother even attempting that one). Stopped at a second gas station to get Steve something to eat. I cashed in the tickets and bought a $5 one called Hit $500. They give you 4 numbers to match, and 15 chances to win. I won $15. In $1 increments. That's right, I matched ALL 15 numbers. Sounds good. On to the second job. This one was remarkably easy. Of course, Steve had to make it more difficult by expecting me to set up the equipment smack dab in the middle of some bushes (and I mean IN the bushes, not in a clear spot between them). Just to save one shot. Wow, what a save. Then the day was over. Back to the office. So on the way, we're on I-75 going about 80 MPH, and there's a pop and a loud rattling... and we veer off the road into the median. I'm either blessed, or cursed, I don't know which one... a blown tire at 80 MPH, and nothing happens. So we change the tire, and hit the office. From there I went to Sears (had a $5 coupon that's good today only) and bought a new denim shirt. I continued on home, making another pit stop at Target. This time, I needed laundry detergent. Cashed in my lotto tickets and bought a $5 and a $10 Monopoly ticket. Struck out. Oh well, I spent $2 and had some fun. Too bad I didn't win the $250,000 though. I'm sure I could have put it to good use.

So now I'm home, and sitting around in my pumpkin boxers, trying to decide where my life is going to take me next. Probably into my room to watch a movie. Or maybe I'll just sit here and stare at the screen all night. Both sound stimulating. And I haven't really had much to eat all day.

I found an interesting slide at UPS last night. (Yes slide, as in slideshow.) The title of it is "Sexual Dysfunction in the U.S.: Risk Factors for ED". The date on it is 1999. Here are the factors listed:

  • Emotional Problems or Stress
  • Poor to Fair Health
  • Urinary Tract Symptoms
  • Deterioration in Economic Position
  • Traumatic Sexual History

An interesting list, to say the least. And they've had it sitting there for a while, and are for whatever reasons saving it. Hey, to each their own, I guess.

Alright. Although I'm not actually a reader of hers, I must put a plug in here for leslieirene (not that she really needs one). She must have purchased about a million banner views, because every other banner I see is one of hers. And she's got about 20 different ones that I've seen so far. At least. And not too many entries yet. I looked at heavenlyging's diary for the first time in ages... and she's got almost 1000 entries in... and she's pregnant! I guess I should start reading some of my "unlisted" favorites again...

But I guess it's time for me to go. I may be on later, I may not be. Either way, I'll see ya on the flip side!

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