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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-10-22 at 4:39 p.m.

A LONG Update

Okay, I'm back... I don't know what to say. It's been a crazy last week. Work, work, work... it's what I do. Unfortunately, it apparently defines my life right now. And I'm not even WORKING that much. But basically it's a lot of the same. If I'm not working, I'm sleeping. Work has been scarce lately, and so Steve and I have been having early days. Or we just head over to his place and fall asleep for a few hours, to kick up a few extra hours. Then I come home and fall asleep, trying to catch up for past years... Not that it really helps. If this continues on as it has been, even with a raise I won't be able to afford my bills. In which case, I may have to get a THIRD job for the weekends. That'll be fun. What can I do (non-fast food) that I would be able to just work weekends? I guess I should probably start looking, before it's too late. So UPS last week was a hoot. (Yes, I said "a hoot"... scary, isn't it?) But anyway, I guess I didn't mention that the imaging scanner broke on me last week. So Lisa, who lives in Port Charlotte, had been driving up there to our warehouse there, and scanned the bills at night. From there she would just go home. Well she went on vacation Wednesday. Okay, wait... let's go back and do the whole timeline. Friday the 10th the scanner breaks when I go to scan the first bills. Great. Okay, so I get the bills together and Lisa heads north. Now at this point it's too late for anyone to bother coming in to check on the scanner, so we call in a work order and leave it for Monday. Monday comes, and they check on the scanner. It's dead in the water. Lisa heads up to Port Charlotte. So they order a new one for us. We expect it Tuesday. Nope, not Tuesday. Lisa heads up again. Wednesday the scanner comes in. Fortunately, because it was Lisa's first day of vacation (so we're already a person down). So we set up the scanner, and go to plug in the power cord... oh wait, no power cord. And it's a specialized cord, not compatible with anything else we have. We order one. Guess who heads to Port Charlotte this time? Yep, it's me. So by the time I got home, it was too late to jump online for anything more than a quick entry, so I decided not to bother. Thursday? Power cord still in transit. Back to Port Charlotte. Another late night. Friday we finally got the cord in, and I had a not-quite-so-long night. It was my sister's and my step-sister's birthdays though, so I didn't get online. I was on the phone with them until after midnight. Actually I had three calls to make... one to my dad, then to my step-sister (both in NY), and finally to my sister (in CA). I wasn't sure if I had to work in the morning (I was expecting a call if we did), so I didn't want to stay up late again. Well, we wound up not working, so I spent Saturday doing some housework. And Sunday was the same. I know, I could have gotten online. I should have gotten online. But I just wasn't in the mood. Yes, I missed my friends. I always miss my friends, when I'm not around. But I decided to go to see The Runaway Jury, which was good... of course, the next few months are going to have a couple of BIG movies coming out. Of course, my mind has blanked as to which ones (except of course THE big one: Return of the King). I'm sure I'll be going to see a few movies. Hell, if I keep on not working like this, I may actually have time to run to the movies in the afternoon.

Okay, I was at Walmart with Mom over the weekend, doing some grocery shopping, when I came across a name I haven't heard in a long time. And definitely not in the area it's in now. "Bo Jackson's Sweet Potato Pie" ... hmmm, if I liked sweet potato pie, I would actually try it.

I was listening to the radio on Monday and heard this "commercial" for a new restaurant. It's called TSI Monday's. As in "Tough Sh** It's Monday". It's where depressed people like yourself can go to remember the weekend, and think about the four days of hell ahead before the next one comes. And the "commercial" ends with "right next door to Ruby Frickin' Tuesdays". Okay, so maybe it doesn't seem so funny here, and you had to hear it. But it was funny at the time. Trust me. :P

But anyway, I guess it's time for me to go to work. UPS is calling me. Woohoo. I'm going to try to be back after. Later all.

P.S. It looks like I finally got all my pics on my layout working. Woohoo!

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