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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2002-12-13 at 10:07 a.m.


I see the light at the end of the tunnel...

You know, I want to take back every bad thing, no matter HOW small, that I ever may have said about Mike. Because he did something a few days ago that I respect very highly. He put himself on the line a few days ago, for a friend and her family. He did this without thinking of the consequences that it might have, and that took a lot of guts. He just dropped everything and went to help. I like to do that, when I am able. I just wish that I were able to do it more often. But it can be hard when I am so far away from all my friends. That actually never stopped me before, but I don't exactly have the funds right now to go buy a plane ticket. But believe me, when I can afford it, I will be going where my friends need me.

Lissy says that I concentrate on other people too much, and not enough on myself. Well maybe she's right. But I enjoy helping my friends out. So if I have a friend in need, I will concentrate on them before myself. Because my problems can't be that bad, that I neglect my friendships. A lot of thinking last night and this morning made me realize that, just as talking with Lissy made me realize that I don't think about myself enough. I know that sounds like a contradiction, but it makes sense to me. :)

My friend Amanda called me last night, because she was going through some rough times. Among them was a fight with her father. She is in town for the weekend (she lives in Jacksonville, but her father is right near me in North Fort Myers), so I went over to talk to her. I left here at about midnight or so, and she and I talked until after 4:30. It's so much easier to give someone a hug, to hold them in your arms and tell them things are going to be okay. It just doesn't have the same effect over a computer.

"Remember, the light at the end of the tunnel may be you... good night!"

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