A Ridiculous Side Profile Leave Me a Nastigram My Adoring Public I'd Like to Phone a Friend, Regis Portrait of a Treefrog I Ain't No Shakespeare, But... Get Your Own Damn Diary! Snoop in Other People's Diaries An Outstanding Example of Layout Design Sign My Guestbook Already! Read a Note/Leave a Note These Are a Few of My Favorite Things Would You Like to Take a Survey? One Ring to Rule Them All... You Think You Know Me...
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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2002-12-20 at 12:38 a.m.

Jobs Jobs Jobs

Okay, serious update time. I got the second job. It's a job with a land surveying company. We are going to be doing land surveys for mortgage companies and such, for the purposes of house and plot purchases down here. I've been informed, that at least for the start, I'm going to be driving, because the guy I'm working with doesn't drive. That'll be interesting, cuz it'll be my first time driving stick shift in a while. It starts off at $9/hr, which isn't that bad to start down here. Monday morning, 7AM is the start time. Which means no more late night sessions on the computer. I will be severely (much to my dismay) cutting back on my online time, except for the weekends. I will probably be able to get online after surveying (if I'm not tired, that is) from anywhere from 1-3, up until I have my UPS job. I'm still waiting to hear back on that, if I'm getting hired on permanently. And of course, I'm gonna try to get online after UPS, but only until midnight. Then I HAVE to get sleep. So be ready for some changes come Sunday night. I apologize to Tay, Natty, and the rest of the West Coast SWJs, but as much as I love talking to you all, I need sleep, so I can keep this job, so I can make money to send to my ex, for my son. I feel like such a deadbeat, because I haven't been able to pay as much as I used to, because I've been unemployed. And so I must keep this job, until I can get another one. Or I may just keep this one, if I decide that I like it well enough. But this weekend will definitely be the last roundup. So catch me while you can, kiddies, because this varmint will be vamoosin' for a while. Yes Taylor, I'll still be responding to all those lovely SWJ emails, and yes everyone, I will try to arrange to talk to you all, whenever I can. And of course, you can always email my cell phone (but you've gotta ask me for the address, cause I don't want to post it for EVERYONE). I try to respond to those immediately, when I can. When I can't, it'll be soon. Just don't send me pics on there, I haven't figured out how to view them yet. Although I'm pretty sure I can. Cuz my phone kicks @$$. But I've been working at this entry for over an hour now, so I'll post it and get it over with. See you all on the flip side!

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