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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2002-12-30 at 11:12 p.m.

The Workplace

Okay, here we go. Entry for the day. You know what? I never told you about the guy I worked with, my first week of surveying. He chain smoked like there was no tomorrow. Now even though cigarette smoke plays havoc with my allergies, I can deal with it on occasion. As long as we're talking about a well-ventilated area, no problem. But sit me in a car for hours a day, with someone who puts one out just to light the next one up... I was having a little trouble breathing. He must have smoked 6 cigarettes in the first hour, one day (I counted). The guy I'm working with this week is a little better about it. He only smokes a few during the course of the day. He talks about quitting, but thinks that it means he'll have to give up drinking as well, because he feels they go hand in hand with him. I don't know about that, because I've never smoked, so I've never had the urge to light one up with my alcohol. Oh yeah, I haven't had alcohol in over 5 years, so that's a moot point as well. :P

But anyways, it's hell getting up at 6am for work every day. I'm not used to it now, I know, and it will probably get better. But the question is, will I get sick of the work, before that happens? I don't know.

I got the ticket to see Les Mis today. And I finally got a checking account too. Yay, I'm starting to finally have some semblance of at least a partially normal life. Whoopty frickin' doo.

I'm getting more and more ideas for my new template for this site. Eventually, I may even put some of those ideas to use. I'm such a procrastinator, it's not even funny. I'm an SWJ all the way (right all you other SWJs out there?).

I've got to work both of my jobs tomorrow, yay. And I may have to work on New Year's Day too. Oh well, it's not like I really have any plans. Amanda is down from Jacksonville, but she's probably gonna be hanging out with Cara, and I don't think they'll be coming down to Fort Myers, and I don't have transportation up to Port Charlotte. GRRRR... I need to get a car. Somehow. I'm gonna have to figure out something soon. Because I can't keep going back and forth with Mom's car, to pick her up, drop her off, have her drop me off, pick me up... it's just getting REALLY old, REALLY fast. I've got the money, I've got the job. Now I have to find someone to give me a car loan. Fat chance of that. I guess I'll just have to pick up a bus schedule somewhere. What fun.

I've got 10 Instant Message windows up right now, and I actually have no one talking to me. Oh well, c'est la vie. My webcam is sitting out unused. I guess everyone was sick of looking at my ugly mug. :P

I haven't checked my site meter recently, so maybe I should do that. And maybe my "other" guestbook, over at my geocities site. So I suppose I should get going and do that, before I have to go to bed. After all, I wake up at 6am tomorrow. What fun it is...

"Never give a sucker an even break" (I'm the sucker, in case ya didn't know... :P)

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