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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-01-15 at 12:00 a.m.

Two Days of Entries

I just can't seem to get it right, can I? Every time I have a good thing going, I make a bonehead move. And screw things up. Please don't ask me about it, because I'd rather not say.

But on to the meat of the entry. I realized that I forgot to add a lot of things to my entry last night, so I'll have to add them to this entry. So the first thing I'll do is talk about Monday. Kim and Andy were at the laundromat, and there was a Ms. PacMan arcade game there. Now THAT is my favorite arcade game of all time. You can keep every other game, because I say that an arcade isn't REALLY an arcade, without the Ms. PacMan machine in it. I would eat high scores for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner. Maybe I should see if I can find one down here, for easy access.

Earl Pitts update for you. Monday's show was about the United States, and how we fight "too nice." We go off to war, we kick your butts, and then we come back and give you aid. We use "Smart Bombs" and "Precision Laser Sighting", we fight in the air, to keep the killing to a minimum. I'm surprised that more countries aren't lining up to fight. I mean, what's the down side? The "Sandman" is probably just looking to repair some bridges, with the aid for his country. I say that when we waste them, they should STAY wasted. If we had done that during World War II, the Japanese and Germans would STILL be smouldering, and they'd speak American!


Okay, so more complaints about my mother. She just walks in my room whenever she wants to, without knocking. It gets really annoying sometimes. And like someone pointed out to me earlier tonight, I have to stand up to her. And I thank you for the advice. I'll just have to see if I'll be able to accomplish it. Because when it comes to my mother, if I fight back, she cries. And I am too sensitive, and too emotional, to deal with that. It will usually start me crying, as well. Embarrassing as it may be, I don't really care. Because this is my diary, and I'm writing the truth in it.

I picked up a few new DVDs yesterday. I finally got the Extended Version of LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring. And I picked up a classic as well. Let's see if you can identify it from a quote:

"Why worry? Each of us is wearing an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back."

And that's all you get for that one.

Okay, I've started to get more of a burn, from working outside every day. I knew that it was only a matter of time. I have red hair in my family, and you can see the reddish highlights in my hair, in the light. And our red-headed family, with their light pigmentation, burns easily, but doesn't really tan. And so I have to be careful, or I'm going to end up with skin poisoning. And that would be fun...

Okay, now for today (or actually, it's not considered yesterday), Tuesday. According to the date, it is exactly one month from the shittiest day of my whole year. My least favorite holiday, with a long history of heartache, hurt, and disappointment attached to it. Valentine's Day. BAH. Growing up, I was never really well-liked. So I didn't exactly get a lot of valentines. Usually, it was only from the ones who got them for EVERYONE, and that was because they couldn't exclude one person. So I was always single on Valentine's Day. And then came my first year of college. I had a girlfriend, a serious girlfriend, for the first time. And what happened? We broke up, on Valentine's Day. And many more years passed of being single again, until Crystal. The mother of my beautiful son Joseph. She and I were still together on Valentine's Day. The catch? She got pissed off at me, because I bought her something, after we decided not to get each other anything. I loved her so much, I wanted to get her something small, to tell her how I felt. And then the last few years, single again. So to hell with that holiday. My February holiday is now and forever to be Groundhog's Day. It is my grandmother's birthday, and I love the movie of the same name, with Bill Murray (who also starred in the movie with the quote above, FYI).

Earl Pitts today was about medical benefits for the elderly. It was kind of hard to follow (I was driving), but I got the end down. "Our seniors deserve prescription drugs? Our seniors are strung out on prescription drugs!" WAKE UP AMERICA!

My cell phone company is in the process of negotiating contracts with AOL and Yahoo, to provide both Messenger services for Sprint PCS phones. It should be up by the end of the quarter. That will be cool, so I can continue to keep in touch with people. I just have to be careful, being at work and all.

And in local news down here, a Gulf Coast High School teacher was suspended for teaching students how to put a condom on, using a banana for a prop. Yeah, God forbid we should teach our promiscuous teens anything except abstinence. Even though it seems to be too late, for more and more of them.

But this entry is rapidly turning into one of the longer entries I've done (not including the poetry one, which doesn't count). There is definitely more that I need and want to say, but it will have to wait for another day. It is after 1 AM, and I'm supposed to be sleeping for work. Don't know if that will happen or not, because I've got some thinking to do. But I at least have to make the motions.

And on a final note, my email is officially screwed. I'm gonna be spending the next week or so trying to fix that, so I don't know that I'll be online much. But look for me to appear when least expected. Adieu, adieu, parting is such sweet sorrow.

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