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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-01-26 at 11:52 p.m.

Typical Sunday

Well, it's been a pretty boring day. Because I stayed up until 4am last night, I didn't wake up today until around noon. I ran some errands, cleaned my room, and watched a few movies, while flipping occasionally to the Super Bowl. Mainly, I wanted to watch the halftime show, for Shania Twain, No Doubt, and Sting. I also wanted to see if I could see my friend Anna in the crowd. She was invited to go up as part of the fan group for the halftime show. I'm not sure if I spotted her or not, due to the poor reception here at my house, but I think I may have. If so, it would be the coolest thing! :)

Ordered pizza for dinner tonight, and since they didn't have larges for some reason (which I don't understand), they gave me two mediums for the same price. So now I have a LOT of leftover pizza for dinner this week. Hmmm... I may actually get sick of it for a while.

I can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but my father is coming in this week, with some of my stuff from Syracuse. He will be here Thursday night, and I don't know how long he is staying. I still have other stuff to go pick up, so I'll be flying up there eventually. I'm hoping pretty soon, though, and I guess we'll just have to see. My father will also be travelling over to the Atlantic Coast, to West Palm Beach. All of his brothers and his sister live over there (he is the last holdout up in NY). I hope to go see them myself, soon. As soon as I get a car, in fact. But we'll deal with that soon enough.

The lease on my mom's car is up Friday, so it will be interesting to see what happens on THAT front. I don't know if she's gonna get a new car, or buy out this one. I guess it depends on what the bank will give her for a deal.

The Super Bowl is over (FINALLY!), and nothing left but the crying (or cheering). Rich Gannon threw a record 5 interceptions in a 40 something to whatever rout. I can't even remember the score. Maybe it was 48-27, or something like that. But whatever... I could really care less. None of the playoff teams who I would have liked to see go, went. The Giants, the Jets, Philly... all went home early. But I guess there's always next year.

But it is time for bed, and I must go. Will update more tomorrow, and talk to you all then. Good night!

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