A Ridiculous Side Profile Leave Me a Nastigram My Adoring Public I'd Like to Phone a Friend, Regis Portrait of a Treefrog I Ain't No Shakespeare, But... Get Your Own Damn Diary! Snoop in Other People's Diaries An Outstanding Example of Layout Design Sign My Guestbook Already! Read a Note/Leave a Note These Are a Few of My Favorite Things Would You Like to Take a Survey? One Ring to Rule Them All... You Think You Know Me...
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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-01-27 at 1:57 p.m.

Short Day, Long Night

Well, today was a slow day for me, as you can see. I only worked until around noon. The guy who I normally work with wasn't feeling well, and the batteries for the survey equipment went dead on us, and we didn't have any spares charged. So we decided to call it a day. And so now I'm home, and I'm gonna be online for a bit. I've got some other things that I have to do, but I'll still be here to talk to people, if they're around.

One of my friends Megs has locked her diary up, and I don't know why. I hope that everything's okay with her, and that she reads this and gets back to me. The baby was due around now, so hopefully that's what has happened, because I can't for the life of me figure out what else it could be. But anyway, Megs, if you read this, drop me an email, or note... I miss talking to ya. Go Lakers! :D

My friend Andy is going to be moving back home, to help out his family, soon. He is looking for a job first, and when that is settled he heads back. I wish him luck, and a safe journey.

I keep looking at this banner flashing above my head. It is for SISSY DIARY. It starts off with "One time he loaned me five dollars.", with different celebrity names attached to it. First is Donald Trump, then Eminem, then Osama bin Laden, and then Whitney Houston says "One time he loaned me five dollars (for crack)." And then it says "And I could loan you five dollars, too." Strange, to say the least. But an interesting read.

I decided to talk to Aundrea/Alee today, for the first time. She is such a sweetheart, and I wish her nothing but the best. We had a fun talk, and I'm sure I'll see her around again sometime. :)

Well, I should probably get going. I have some things to do before work, like clean the bathroom. Yippee. Talk at ya all later!

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