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The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-01-27 at 11:57 p.m.

No More Job

Okay, this entry cannot wait. It is BIG TIME update time. I don't have time to butter this up, or anything like that, so here it is. My mom lost her job today. She was working for my uncle, and she and my aunt have been feuding for a while now (I don't even know over what). Apparently my aunt put pressure on my uncle, threatening him with SOMETHING, unless she fired my mom (Mom seems to think it was something about ruining his business). And so now, my mom has to come up with mortgage money, a downpayment on her car, and the other bills... the reason for the car, is because her lease is up on Friday, and so she has to do something with it, whether she buys it, or gets something else. And so I'm going to be loaning Mom some money to help with everything, until she can get back on her feet. Because right now, she doesn't have anything. Everything went into this house... and now I don't even know if we can keep it. But we're gonna try our damnedest. My uncle feels bad about the job thing, and is going to help her find another one (behind my aunt's back, of course). And I'm going to have my father bring some money from my NY account down with him. So we'll be set, for now. We just have to get Mom another job soon. And that's that. Until then, it's gonna be interesting. So I'll get going, and head to bed in a few minutes here. Talk to you all later!

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