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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-02-14 at 12:11 a.m.

Almost Fired

Well, another day, another nickel in my pocket. But it's been an interesting day.

I almost got fired from my job today. I was working with the laser sight that we use for surveying. I had set it up, and I thought I had screwed it in tightly to the tripod. I was wrong. When I went to lift the tripod, to carry it over to the sight point, the laser sight came off, and fell. Now this is a $12,000 piece of equipment. I would be out of a job, Scott would be out of a job. I would be in debt for life. Fortunately, when it fell off, my head broke the fall. And then I managed to catch it in my hand, before it hit the ground. What a day... we had five jobs to do, and only got thru four of them. Which is really no big deal, because the average is three jobs per day, normally. But we got some jobs that were close by each other, and weren't TOO exceptionally difficult. So that was a bonus. Usually we're all over the county.

I'm working this weekend as well. Definitely Saturday, maybe Sunday. So I don't know how much I'll be on. I also have to clean the house, and wipe this stupid system and reload it. That aught to kill most of the weekend. Fun Fun Fun.

But I talked to Nancy on the phone again tonight. She loves to talk, no doubt about it. And I'm sure we'll talk tomorrow, and/or sometime over the weekend too.

Oh yeah, it's Valentine's Day now. SCREW THAT! I hate this holiday. For those of you who don't know why... ReaD.

But I'm tired, and it's time for bed again. Look for more updates later. Oh yeah, I almost forgot... working outside surveying... my hair is sun bleaching... I'm turning blonde *shudder*. Night!

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