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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-03-06 at 11:33 p.m.

Will the Real Meeks and Kat Please Stand Up

Well, I've been thinking about everything, and reading back about some things. And I'm curious... Meeks, and now Kat... you don't have a diary listed, you don't give your email address... what is your vested interest in this situation? Do I know you from somewhere else? You said some things Kat that make me wonder... so email me and tell me who you are. If you know me, you know I am very respectful of people's privacy. But you are right about the professional help thing. I was going to do that for a while, on weekends (my only free time). But it had to go on the back-burner, when my mother lost her job. It is still something that I plan on doing, for a few reasons. It's just on hold for right now, until I can better afford it.

And if you don't get it by now, most of my rants are just that: rants. Generally things that I say in the heat of the moment don't become permanent additions to my daily life. I just use them to blow off steam and to let people know what runs through my head, however briefly. Please don't take offense, it is just my way of processing things.

Today was an average day at work. Worked until 3pm surveying, until 10pm at UPS. So I got my 12 hours in. Yay! I'm in the money, I'm in the money! Oh wait, I'm not... my creditors are in the money, my creditors are in the money! :D

I get to play Amanda's wake up call in a few minutes, so she can get up and pack for her big trip. She is going to Mississippi to see her boyfriend (and YES I said Amanda and boyfriend in the same sentence *gasp*), then going to New Orleans with Cara, and then back to Jax. Then she comes here for a while, and BACK to Mississippi. She should get frequent flyer miles... only she isn't flying! LOL!

But things are back to normal here in Fuckedupville, and tune in tomorrow for another dose of your daily rant. Remember, it's not a real rant, unless you read it at Tragic Love Story. Good night all! :)

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