A Ridiculous Side Profile Leave Me a Nastigram My Adoring Public I'd Like to Phone a Friend, Regis Portrait of a Treefrog I Ain't No Shakespeare, But... Get Your Own Damn Diary! Snoop in Other People's Diaries An Outstanding Example of Layout Design Sign My Guestbook Already! Read a Note/Leave a Note These Are a Few of My Favorite Things Would You Like to Take a Survey? One Ring to Rule Them All... You Think You Know Me...
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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-03-18 at 11:59 p.m.

Another Update Lapse

Well, just call me a slacker. I didn't update last night. I fell asleep without even signing in last night. And since it was storming on Sunday night, I'm 3 or 4 days behind on my diary reading. So I will be catching up on that. Yes, you read that right. I slept on St Patrick's Day. The biggest drinking holiday of the year, for some people (others choose New Years, obviously). But I worked my two jobs, and I don't drink. So I had no reason to go out. Sleeping sounds like a viable option, at that point. So I did. Woohoo.

Tonight I was supposed to hang out with Amanda and Cara, but they are fighting. Why, I can simplify in two words: a guy. So Amanda went to hang out with another guy, and Cara was going to hang out with ANOTHER guy, and neither one of them wanted to hang out with me. Until now, of course, when Amanda just called to ask me to come over for a while. And I guess Cara would have too, but she has been waiting to hang out with this friend of hers for a while now. But I'm tired, and in for the night. Too late, Amanda had her chance to hang out. I probably should have gone, seeing how she is only in town for a few more days, but that's okay. I'll just see her when I can see her.

I can see that when I don't update, the people don't come around any more. No one has signed my guestbook or notes in a few days... Hmmm... looking pretty suspect there people. :P

But I guess I can't really complain. I don't get to sign too many guestbooks myself. I just keep getting busier and busier. I know I should take the time to sign away, but things get so hectic, I sometimes lose focus. Speaking of losing focus, that's what my eyes are doing. I guess I'm tired. Oh well, not done with this entry yet.

I've been doing some video recording the past few days. I now have Dune and Children of Dune taped. Each one is 6 hours long (with commercials, unfortunately), taking up an entire tape. Cool. :)

Work has been on again, off again. Today, Scott did not show up. So I worked with Richard. Chain smoking Richard, who last time I worked with him smoked 6 cigarettes within the first hour. Let me tell you, I had fun attempting to breathe. And it was a late day today. We worked until after 4pm. Woohoo! Go lung pollution! *does the funky chicken*

Okay, that was DEFINITELY my cue to leave. No more dancing for me for a while, till I sober up. Good night all! (And NO I haven't been drinking, for those of you who are worried... :P )

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