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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-03-22 at 1:26 a.m.

Deadbeat Diarylander

Well, as you can see, it's slacker central for me. I was out the past two nights, hanging out with Amanda and Cara while I could. Went swimming at Amanda's on Wednesday night, after watching the President on TV. Went swimming at Cara's on Thursday night. It's been a while since I've gone swimming, and I've missed it dearly. I'm a fish. I could make this entry tonight about the depression that has overtaken me, but I don't want to bore you with the details. And actually, I can't give most of them to you, because of a promise I made. But suffice it to say that I will not talk about it if you ask me, bar one or two of my closest friends, who already know a little bit. I'm sorry that's the way it has to be. Truly I am.

In other news, Syracuse won their first round game against Manhattan, in the NCAA Tournament. I didn't really read too much about it, so I don't know who their next round opponent is, but the game is on Sunday. Go SU!

This weekend is going to be one of those weekends, I can tell. I don't know of anything that I am doing right now, other than going to get my tire fixed on my car. Amanda has gone back to Jacksonville, and Cara hasn't answered any of my messages tonight. So I don't know what is going on.

My friend Erin has got about a dozen codes for LiveJournal, if anyone is interested. Just leave her a message at her diary, or email her. I don't know anything about LiveJournal, so I couldn't tell you how it works. But if you are interested, contact her. :)

Tonight was a long night. I actually got out of work at my normal time. However, I stopped to drop off my timecard, so I can get paid next week. I was in the middle of text messaging my friend Kim, and I fell asleep. Out like a light, in an instant. I was gone for more than an hour, and when I woke up, my phone messaging wasn't working. Oh well, that just sucks, as usual.

Wow, I didn't expect this entry to go on as long as it has. I am surprised. But I am also in a little bit better mood now. It's amazing what an hour can do. And YES I've been writing this entry for that long. Actually, a little longer (technicalities). So now that you have gotten to the end of this entry, please disregard the depression of the beginning. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was. Just me over-dramatizing again. Oh well. Good night all, see you tomorrow!

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