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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-03-22 at 11:59 p.m.

The Weekend is Here

Well, it was another day today. I got my tire fixed, at the unbelievably low cost of $195. Then I came home to see how the NCAA Tourney has been doing. The Big East still has 4 teams in, 2 of whom (UConn and Notre Dame) won today, and 2 of whom (Syracuse and Pitt) play tomorrow. Of course, you know I'm routing for Syracuse above all else, but I will also cheer for the Big East until all of them are in the Final Four (as if... :P ). Gonzaga and Tulsa were both underdogs today who lost heartbreakers by 1 point, Gonzaga in double overtime to #1 seed Arizona. Although I am also an Arizona fan, I had to cheer for the underdogs.

For those of you who haven't realized it yet, there is a current events topic that I haven't mentioned as of yet, and I will not mention it, for personal reasons. But in a related topic, my friend Mandie and her husband Trevor called me today on their way down to the Big Easy! They have moved to New Orleans, which is a lot closer for them to visit. And Trevor is NOT getting shipped out, as of yet (*crosses his fingers*). So they are talking about visiting in a short while. With any luck, I'll be entertaining friends sooner than I think. Because I know I'm entertaining in June (the 5th to the 15th, to be exact), when Andy and Kim come to see me. Jen was supposed to come as well, but I don't know if she'll be able to make it or not. Her funds will be kind of low, due to a trip to Europe to visit her sister. But with any luck, she'll make it down as soon as she can. :)

Andy is finally back online! YAY! It's been a while since I've talked to him, and it's good to chat again. We've been filling each other in on happenings, and I've got to remind him to update! He is working with a lot of old friends from the area (Utica NY), which is cool... bringing back a lot of old memories of the Magic playing days. Hmmm... Magic... maybe I'll go play tomorrow. It's been a while, but it'll give me something to do while Mom watches the race.

But anyway, I guess this entry has gone on long enough. I actually started it over two hours ago, and have been distracted talking to people and reading diaries, and looking on Amazon.com for the DVD of Left Behind, and for Buffy the Vampire Slayer season DVDs. I'll probably go ahead and order a few of them, once I make sure that my check cleared. Which reminds me, I didn't mention that. I got my paycheck yesterday from surveying. I opened it, as I always do, before I left the office. I worked 41 hours last week, and they paid me for 1 hour of overtime... slight problem. That's ALL they paid me for. I didn't get ANY of my straight pay. So my check (actually direct deposit slip) was for $13.16 . Which didn't even give me enough money to cover the tire I bought. So mom actually paid for it, and I get to pay her back. But I said I was ending this entry, and so I will. Right now. Good night all!

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