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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-03-24 at 11:17 p.m.

Weird Day at Work

Well, it was an interesting day, to say the least. I got to the surveying office at 7am, as usual. As I walked up, I noticed everyone standing around outside the door. At that point, I was informed that there were only three jobs total for the three crews, so each would get one. Ours was time sensitive, and we were to meet the purchaser at 10am, so I went to get breakfast. I brought it back to the office and ate it in the car. Then I read a little bit of my book, and dozed for a few minutes. At 9am, Scott came out to get me, and we left for the job site. By the time we got back to the office, there were two more jobs for us to do, and so we got almost a full day of work in. Tomorrow will be better, as we have three jobs to do on the beach. Sounds like fun! Woohoo! :D

The second job was also interesting. We had 1,000 bills tonight, or rather I did. I am the only one that images them to the system, for easy access. And everyone wants me to help them get out of there early, but won't help me to. We have 6 office workers total, in our department. 5 of them went home at 9:30, the last was there until after 10... guess which one I was?

I have to remember to give Mom her money back. I can't recall if I stated it or not, but Mom was actually the one who paid the money on the spot for the tire, as my $13 paycheck didn't quite cover it... but anyway, I have to pay her back. And I know the money is there now. So I will cut her a check. And that will STILL leave me with a little bit of money left over. Woohoo, I'm rich! So once I figure out what I have for bills, I will see if I can afford to buy those things I wanted off of Amazon. I think I'll have enough, especially discounted and with free shipping, but we'll see.

I got a disturbing email this morning from a friend. Actually, it said that it was from the friend of a friend. It said that my friend had slit her wrists, and was getting admitted... I would assume to a psych hospital. But then I got conflicting stories, that she didn't do it, that she wrote the entry herself, that she didn't write the entry herself... So who to believe, in this whole convoluted mess? The only thing I can be sure of right now is that she IS being admitted... I just don't know for what, for sure. I'll have to piece together the puzzle, and see what kind of picture I'm dealing with here. I'm not really sure what to do yet. Any thoughts?

Well, it's WAY past my bedtime... again... so I'll talk to you all later. Good night!

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