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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-03-25 at 11:01 p.m.

Scott the Surveyor and People in the Neighborhood

I realized that I forgot to mention something in my diary about yesterday. We ran out of gas, while out doing a survey. So we are out driving around on fumes, looking for a gas station. Scott decides to do this little trick. First he speeds up, then he pops it into Neutral, turns the car off, and coasts. After a while, he turns the car back on, to keep whatever is left flowing, drives a while longer, and repeats. Two and a half miles and 3 stoplights later, we make it to a gas station. I don't think we could have gone any farther. Which also reminds me, many props to Scott. Over the weekend, he was downtown and came across this couple fighting. The guy punched the girl, so Scott kicked the crap out of him.... three times. He got a little scraped up in the process, but the guy didn't stand a chance. Last night, Scott was out again, but in pain. It was a combination of the fight, plus back problems inflamed at work. So a friend gave Scott some muscle relaxers. Scott went home with a girl, and promptly fell asleep on her. So sex planned, but not carried out. Poor Scott. LOL!

My friend Shannon is a daddy! Her name is Lilli, and she is a little over 9 lbs. I don't have exacts, because I haven't talked to him directly. And Andy is not sure of all the details either. But Andy will be the godfather, when they get her baptized. So congrats to Shannon, Danielle, Andy, and little Lilli...

I was at UPS tonight, talking to one of the other workers, Kim, and one of the supervisors. The supervisor made a comment about Kim, and something about forgetting her... So I jokingly asked her who she was, again. She proceeded to pour water on my head. Not a lot, but still, I owe her tomorrow... and I won't forget. :D

But another day, another dollar. Good night all!

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