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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-03-26 at 11:11 p.m.

Just One of Those Days

What a way to start the day off. Last week, Scott pulled a muscle in his back, aggrevating an old injury. So for the past few days, he has been having back spasms. Including today. He was late for work. When he got to work, we found out that we had to go buy plats (property boundary maps) for the job site. The job is out in the middle of nowhere. Finally we get to the job site, and one or both of the block corners are off. Two of the back pins on the property line are off. Three of the pins aren't in. Then the gun dies. It was showing a full charge yesterday. I don't get it. Just one of those days, I guess. But hey, we got out of work early. Done at the job at noon, back at the office by 12:45 PM.

So I got home early between jobs. I was going to take a nap, but then decided against it. So instead I FINALLY worked on that project that I've been meaning to for a while. I got one part completed and sent out, now I have to do more. I watched a few episodes of "Murder, She Wrote" and then I took a shower. I had just enough time to cook two coneys for my dinner, and run out the door. I seem to cut it close a lot. But I made it.

It was a slow, lazy night at UPS. Which reminds me, UPS has come up with a new logo. They can spend millions of dollars on a campaign for that, and all it entails, but they can't afford to provide adequate space for me to work in. If I didn't mention it before, I share an 8x10 room with 3 supervisors and 2 other office workers. It is also a high traffic area, with the scanners for all the dock workers in it... But back to what I was saying... it was a slow night. I got out of there early, around 9:45pm, not that it made a difference. What can I say? I'm a boring person. Well, not entirely. Occasionally I go on these amusing depressing rants. But you know what? I don't think I've had one in a while... am I overdue, or done with it? :)

And before I forget, Jen is back from Europe. Yay!

But anyway.. it's time for me to sign off for the night. Work comes in the morning, as always. Good night all! :)

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