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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-06-08 at 10:14 p.m.

First Update With Visitors

I'm sorry I couldn't get online to update last night, but things have definitely been pretty busy with Andy and Kim. Friday night we spent hanging out, played a board game, chatted, watched movies, played pool for a bit, and went to bed late. So we didn't wake up yesterday until around noon or so. We ate breakfast and by the time we got around, it was mid-afternoon. So we went for a ride over to Pine Island. It's about 15 minutes away from us, and about 45 minutes to drive the length of it and back. We stopped at a Dairy Queen for food, and looked around for a beach there. We covered it coast to coast, and nothing. So we went grocery shopping, and dropped the stuff off back home. From there we went down to Fort Myers Beach, so I could show them around. From there we went to mini golf, and Kim got to feed the alligators. They have a small preserve at the course; it's pretty cool. From there we went to eat at Applebee's, and we brought back dessert. It's still sitting in the fridge, waiting for us to eat tonight. But we have to do a little more grocery shopping first, and then I have to get to bed early. After all, I do have to work tomorrow (damn jobs).

Today we went to the beach. It was fun for the most part. Except for the part about me losing my glasses in the water. The Gulf of Mexico can be very unforgiving at times. I actually had just put them on to look at something that Kim and Andy had pointed out to me. And then, without thinking, I had dove back into a wave. I felt the glasses hit my foot, but by the time I had grabbed at them, they were gone. So I couldn't drive home, and Andy did the honors. Fortunately I have two spare pairs of glasses at home. Of course, they are a little bit older, but not that bad at all. I may just get a new pair soon though, anyway.

But we are off in a minute to do some more stuff, so I will let this go for now. I promise that I will update again soon. If not tomorrow, then the next night. Bye all! Wish you were here with me in sunny Florida!

P.S. Aimee is back! I've missed her so much, and I'm glad that she's okay... she doesn't have a guestbook or notes, but you can read her again at prncsaimee.

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