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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-07-29 at 7:30 a.m.

End of an Era

I wanted to add a couple things last night, but unfortunately I didn't get out of work until after 11pm. I didn't want to get on the computer that late, because I know my tendency to stay on for too long, once I get started. I forgot to mention yesterday that on my way to work, I passed by a tractor trailer that had rolled. There were lights flashing for miles. It seems that there are accidents daily here. Granted, it may be that way in other places I've lived. But I've never actually SEEN so many accidents (or rather, the aftermath of so many accidents... I haven't seen an actual accident yet, knock on wood). It's amazing how many careless drivers there are.

It is the end of an era, the death of an icon. Legendary comedian Bob Hope has passed away at the age of 100. He died peacefully in his sleep Sunday night shortly after 9pm Pacific (for those of you not mathematically inclined, that is midnight for those of us here on the East Coast... :P ). A truly gifted individual, with more than 90 years of show business under his belt, he will be missed.

I am actually at work right now. Yes, I am the office bitch today. But no one else will be here until 8am or so, and I've got a few minutes to kill. I'll probably run over to the little restaurant across the street and grab a bite to eat as well. I didn't really feel like eating at home. Besides, what I would have eaten at home probably isn't as healthy as what I may eat at the restaurant. And my weight has been an issue lately. I went to buy jeans a few weeks ago, and wound up buying a size 38 waist. I wear 35 and 36! GEEZ! So I am trying to watch what I eat (and not just watch it go in my mouth, either).

I should get going, though, and I will most likely be home this afternoon in time to update (if I really have anything to update ON). After all, there's probably not much that I will be able to add on, working in the office. It's not like I am in the field, witnessing blowjobs in passing cars, almost getting hit by lightning, seeing mailboxes wrapped around the tires of tractor trailers, and all that fancy stuff.

Later all!

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