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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-09-12 at 11:09 p.m.

Additives, Obituaries, Clich�s

Well, I wasn't on last night... obviously. I had to take Mom to the airport this morning, so I had to get to bed for my early morning wakeup. Yesterday was a typical day for the most part. So no, I won't bore you with the details. But I will tell you about a little incident that occurred last night at UPS. I had eaten dinner for the first time this week, but I was still craving a little snack. So I went to the vending machines and bought a cinnamon roll. It's one of the more expensive items, but still one of my top choices for a snack to munch on (while I'm at UPS, anyway). I opened it up, and was about to peel a piece off to eat, when I noticed a little black spot. So I picked it off, no problem. Until I saw the OTHER little black spots crawling around. Ants. I lost my appetite pretty fast, especially when I could see them crawling around all inside of the vending machine. I'm trying to cut back on my protein, thanks... Well, I got my money back today, but it's going to be a while before I actually eat anything out of there again. I'll stick to drinking Mountain Dew.

Oh yeah, something else DID happen yesterday. The cast came off. I got x-rays done, and was told that it still isn't completely healed. So I should go easy on it, and keep an eye on it for the next month or so. If I'm still having problems at that point, I should go back in to see the doctor again. But I really did a number on it. It's out of place, broken, not healing, and who knows what else?

I couldn't believe it when I heard on the radio this morning that both Johnny Cash and John Ritter died. Though neither one of them was a COMPLETE surprise (due to Cash's age and Ritter's heart condition), it's just eerie. The last two (unrelated) famous deaths in the same day, that I can think of anyway, were Adams and Jefferson. I'm sure there were plenty of others since then, but I can't remember them...

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!

Normally this would be a rant for my "private diary", but I may just give up on that idea for now. It will still be up, if you care to find it, but I don't know how much I will actually update it. In closing my diary for that short time a few days ago, I realized something. I'm cursed. My life has been one big joke on me. Every time I think I've found happiness, it is ripped away from me. Every time I gain, I lose threefold. Consequences. I can't blame anyone but myself, for the way my life has turned out. The glue holding the pieces together is slowly melting away into nothingness. Who will be left for me, after I wallow in my misery and self-pity? Will anyone want to be around someone who does nothing but doubts himself? I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, caught in a no-win situation. Gee, can I come up with any more clich�s?

I shouldn't be online right now. I shouldn't be alone right now. But I am. Circumstances and consequences. Welcome to my roller coaster.

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