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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-09-30 at 11:51 p.m.

Balls Deep In Water

Wow, I can't believe it's October already. By the end of the month, I'll have been here in Florida a year. Wow.

Today was another shorter day at work. True, I got in 7 hours or so, but we left the jobsite at 2:30pm, and could have worked until 4pm. It didn't actually rain today, so we could have worked 'til I had to go to my other job. But of course, Steve didn't want that. After all, he got HIS hours in. I don't get the drive time because I'm coming straight from home, and don't go to the office. And so he always gets 1 to 1 1/2 hours more than I do (while we're doing this big job, that is). Today, I got to get balls deep in water. What fun. It was JUST deep enough to shrivel up parts of me that are more affected by the cold. And the water wasn't really that bad. But it was just cold enough. All to find one stupid corner, we had to trudge through the water, cut down plenty of saplings, at a distance of a couple hundred feet. We finished up the golf course today, and tomorrow we do the roads. That may be all we have to do, actually... and then we would be back to our regular jobs. I can't say that I'm really looking forward to that. It was convenient, being close enough to home that I could sleep in a little later, and get home quicker. Hopefully I'll get my own crew soon, and things will be better. At least workwise.

I was done at UPS by 8:30pm (except for the last driver, of course), so I worked on one of my projects for them. And I actually got it done. So that is one less thing to do. Basically what I did was to create a spreadsheet that would automatically list the numbers of all the weekdays, and have room for UPS Tracking Number stickers on it. So I created a calendar. All you have to do is enter the year, and it brings up the entire year's calendar. From that I linked it to a database which listed all the weekday numbers (an internal database on the spreadsheet, not from Access). I used a function called DGET to grab the numbers individually, and plug them into the sheet, based on the month. So basically, all you have to do is put in the month and year on the sheet, and it automatically runs through all this "stuff" and plugs in numbers. You print out the sheet, and you're all set. It's scary, what kind of stuff actually keeps my interest. Yes, I'm a nerd. I've always been a nerd, and I'll always be a nerd...

Well, I believe that my next entry will be #300. I don't know if it will be a good story, or a bad story... but that's another story. :P

Good night all.

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