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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-10-03 at 11:19 p.m.

A Few Days Worth, and An Accident

Well, there's actually a few things to add from the past few days. First of all, have I mentioned how much I hate my damn phone? Well, it has been periodically resending me old messages, that were originally sent to me MONTHS ago. Only this time, it sent them at about 3:45am. DAMN PHONE! But now my new phone is up and running. I should have my internet/text msg up on it soon (a few hours).

I was talking before about how I recently passed my 300th entry. Thank you everyone for the guestbook entries, and notes! I was looking around and found a few diaries that had quite a few entries. Of course they were diaries with multiple users, or public diaries. lotrsisters is for female Lord of the Rings fans... those who speak Elvish, who know what their name is in Hobbiton, and have an opinion on EVERYTHING Middle Earth. It was started by my old friend Ivy and a few others, and has turned out quite well. Over 2400 entries to date. And then another old stalwart, now closed, is haters. Over 4400 entries. It's amazing what people can do when they decide to (anonymously or otherwise) criticize someone on an open forum. And what a forum haters was. Some of the things that were said on there...

A couple days ago, I almost got hit by a car on my way to work. The car behind me got rear-ended. If they had been any closer to me, I would have been hit as well. That would have REALLY sucked. As it was, I got to drive along my merry way, and made it to work with plenty of time to spare.

Mom is going out of town this weekend, to visit a friend (in Tampa, I believe). So I'm home alone again. What fun... I mowed the lawn today, and I'm working tomorrow. Maybe I'll actually go play cards on Sunday. Or maybe I'll just sit here and rot.

On my way home from UPS tonight, I passed an ambulance going the other way, on its way to the hospital. As I got nearer to my house, I found out where it was coming from. There were flashing lights all over the place, and a truck was pulled to the side of the road. It had some sort of trailer hitch on it. Also on the side of the road was the remains of a mangled bicycle. Doesn't take much to figure out what happened there.

I'm working on another UPS project, to make things easier. Not for me, this time, but for Val. She does enough as it is, and hand writing everything can take a lot out of her, especially since she also has a job typing for the hospital. So it's my next form that I'm creating. This one records all of the high value shipments that UPS does. The form itself is actually done, but there are a few things I want to do with buttons, that I'm a little rusty on. So I'll keep plugging until I get it right.

Well... I guess I'll get going... good night all.

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