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Have a day!
The current mood of treefrog1976@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

This Entry was added on 2003-10-30 at 11:33 p.m.

Computer Not Cooperating

So anyway, it was another typical night at UPS... do I REALLY have to write about it? :P

I honestly have no idea what to say in here. There's so many things I want to say, but I won't. There's so many things I COULD say... but I won't.

I'm getting closer and closer to my trivia surveys' completions. I have 24 movie quotes, and 23 Star Wars questions. As there is a maximum of 30, I want to try to reach that goal. But I suppose if I can't get there by the end of this weekend, I may as well just put up what I have. After all, there's always room for more quizzes... :D

The weather has been weird around here lately. It's rained once in the past month, and I can never tell what it's going to be like. I've actually had the heat on in my car at times. But again, maybe it's just me.

Okay, AIM is not cooperating with me, so I may not be chatting tonight. Correction. NONE of my messengers are working tonight. Oh wait, maybe I spoke too soon. Yep, they're working. But people are sleeping, away, or otherwise occupied. And I saw Aimee on for the first time in FOREVER... and she logged right back off again before I could get a word in. DAMN!

Okay, my computer is going COMPLETELY slow again. Guess I'd better scan and defrag. It probably could really use it anyway. But I'm not going to do it tonight... tomorrow maybe, between jobs.

OOH, Kari (locked) is on! Yay! I haven't talked to her in WAY too long.

AAAARRRRRGH!!! I missed Aimee AGAIN! The speakers on my computer aren't plugged in, due to not enough room on the power strip. And so I didn't see/hear her come and go. SIDEBAR: Let me explain about the computer. The desk/hutch/whatever was BUILT to be a computer desk, and nothing else. it has a power strip/surge protector built in, and everything is almost impossible to get to, without taking the whole thing apart. There is limited space for cords, and even less for plugs. Everything else I have has to be plugged in. And so there's no room for the speakers. Unless I get an extension cord out of my room (which I have done plenty of times). But seeing as it is after midnight here, Mom is sleeping. And so I don't want to have the volume on anyway. Sure I could keep it down... but I'm not going to be on too much longer anyway.

In fact, I think that I'll end this entry right here. Have a good night all!

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